As more and more workers juggle a return to the office with work from home options post COVID, the modern workplace is going through a quiet revolution.
Organisations are recognising the need to create a work environment that can compete with “WFH” by promoting team building and wellbeing programs that improve the in-office experience.
Tamara Quader, Head of Learning Design at e-learning provider Allara Global, is paving the way forward, by creating a Mindful Leadership course that educates employees on ways to attain health and wellbeing at work.
“The top four benefits of mindfulness include stress management, improved job performance, enhanced focus and creativity, and the counter balancing of negative feelings like anxiety,” Ms Quader said.
At its core, mindfulness is the practice of evaluating our thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and environment, through a kind lens of zero judgement.
Mastering the art of mindfulness at work involves regular check ins of our senses, guided imagery exercises, and breathing techniques to relax and focus the mind. This can be practiced at home, or at the office.
The benefits of mindfulness training are not just mental, but physical, with reports of lower blood pressure, reduced chronic pain and improved sleep, all leading to greater productivity at work.
“More and more employers are understanding that greater emotional intelligence can prove very fruitful. A mindful workplace boosts productivity, promotes resilience, and prevents burn out. It also leads to increased focus, reduced conflict, and better decision making. It is the hallmark of a modern work environment. ”
Ms Quader advocates incorporating mindfulness into everyday scenarios like the commute to work, managing the workspace, dealing with stressful meetings, and maximising breaks.
The mindfulness training course finishes with a short 7-minute guided meditation.
Ms Quader says mediation is hugely popular in Australia, so it makes sense to offer mindfulness training to employees, who are returning to the office and may be looking for a more satisfying work environment.
“Given one in five Australians will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives, the techniques we canvas are designed to have a positive knock-on impact not only in the workplace but on many aspects of everyday life.”
The Millenial Generation, (currently aged from 27 to 42) are often leading the charge when it comes to meaningful workplace change and are not afraid to voice expectations.
PwC Australia claims they will change jobs an average of four times in their first decade of work compared to just two changes, for the generation ahead of them, Gen X.
For employers and managers, recognising the needs and expectations of Millenials makes good corporate sense, given they will make up 75 percent of the workforce in Australia by 2025.
Tamara Quader, Head of Learning Design at e-learning provider Allara Global
